
AWCI CARES (Caring Action Relief in Emergency Situations)

This is a program funded and managed by the Foundation of the Wall and Ceiling Industry.

The program’s funds are available to the employees and families of AWCI member companies who have experienced a major illness, accident or hardship beyond their insurance and financial capabilities.

The application is available online here. The privacy of the submitter is respected throughout the application review process. Copies of the anonymous application and supporting materials will be forwarded to the members of the AWCI CARES review team for consideration. The AWCI CARES review team will determine grant amounts based on documentation of need, other pending requests, and total funds available. Not all grant requests will receive funding.

There are two pieces of the process. First is having the employee complete and submit an application. Second is for the employing company to complete and submit a sponsor verification form. This can be completed by the owner, HR representative or manager. It is the company verifying the applicant is an employee, confirms the situation and can add additional comments on why a grant should be awarded.